Meet the lovely Christel who lost 168 lb! Yes, you read me right! Read on as this bombshell of a bootcamper tells her story with unabashed candidness.
How much did you weigh when you started LeBootCamp?
When I started LeBootCamp I weighed 272 lb.
How much do you weigh today and what is your body fat?
Today, I weigh 104 lb with a body fat percentage of 18.5%.
Your favorite LeBootCamp recipes?
I love the zucchini muffins, paleo bread, buckwheat pancakes…actually, let’s be honest – all of them! They’re all so easy and tasty, it’s nearly impossible to have a favorite.
Your favorite exercises?
I was first all over the LeBodyChallenge, then the Flat Belly in 5 Minutes a Day®, then Bikini Express® and my latest – Yoga Fit Burn®! Hard to choose because they all work so well for me!
Any challenges?
I’ve got some really challenging health problems which I battle daily, but Valerie Orsoni’s mantras of #TeamNoExcuse and #NeverGiveUp are magic! My specialists always recommend me to stay active and all of these programs – adaptable to my levels and needs – do the trick.
Today, fitness-wise, I’m doing great because I’ve built up muscle, cardio and endurance.
My confidence is also so much more solid than ever before.
To what do you attribute your success?Definitely Valérie’s motivation and daily boosts – her energy and encouragement is electric. But I also owe my motivation to myself because I now know what it means to believe in myself. Seeing results early on were also a huge factor – it’s motivating to see progress!
I celebrated with getting tattoos like I had always wanted!
Any message for others out there who need motivation to succeed too?
Let’s just say, I’m an ex-double obese, meaning first an obese who lost 100 lb with nutritionist support and super restrictive menus. As you can imagine, I regained all the weight lost + 33 lb bonus due to multiple unsuccessful weight loss drug trials. I decided to stop all of these regimented approaches and try LeBootCamp!
Losing 168 lb over 9 years of healthy living is something to shout about!
Valerie Orsoni brings balance and sanity to the world of weight loss.
Last words to a potential bootcamper?
If I succeeded, so can you! Believe in yourself. Despite my obesity which seemed hopeless, despite my health challenges – I am slim, happy, healthy, and here to celebrate my story.
LeBootCamp is simply kind to your body and spirit.
I am so proud of your journey to a healthier body Christel!!!
If you want to become a better version of yourself join us on ! Over 1.6M ladies have joined us and become stronger, happier, more energetic, day after day.
Valérie Orsoni
Your LeBootCamp Healthy Living & Weight Loss Coach
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