And it’s Thursday! We’ve got a brand new recipe out on our LeBootCamp YouTube Channel.
Check out our fun cooking section created just for you: #LaBonneCuisine Cooking.
Today we’re going to give the floor to LeBootCamp’s flagship drink, Sobacha™. This tea is made from the infusion of roasted buckwheat (also known as kasha). Reputed for its powerful antioxidant properties, buckwheat tea helps cleanse the body for more effective weight loss as well as supports ideal-weight maintenance.
Sobacha™ is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and digestive fiber. It contains all the essential amino acids which help prevent nutritional deficiencies, and is particularly rich in magnesium. Did you know? Magnesium strengthens the body’s capacity to resist stress – but studies show that most people don’t consume enough. Here’s the solution: Consume a cup of buckwheat tea every day and you will feel relaxed and ready to face any stressful situation! Gluten-free and caffeine-free, it can be enjoyed without limit and at any time of day or night.
If you aren’t yet consuming this superdrink thanks to LeBootCamp (and happily slimming down as you do!), then it’s time to take it on in your quest for greater health and wellbeing. With its deliciously subtle hazelnut taste, is often prepared as a hot tea but can equally be enjoyed as a cold drink, mixed into a smoothie, or added to a soup or stock.
Brewing Sobacha™ is extremely simple – just like making tea! Infuse a few tablespoons of roasted buckwheat kernels (kasha) in a cup of hot water for about 5 minutes. Enjoy just so, or if you aren’t yet used to the earthy taste, feel free to add a healthy sweetener of your choice: honey, agave nectar, Stevia, etc.
Bon appétit!
PS. I would love to get your feedback on this recipe! Feel free to send photographs of you and your Sobacha 🙂 to [email protected]. The best ones will be published on my blog!
Valerie Orsoni
Your Coach #LaBonneCuisine
Tags: buckwheat buckwheat kernels buckwheat tea caffeine-free coach coaching cooking diet gluten free health nutrition online coaching recipe video recipes Sobacha superdrink superfood tea Valerie Orsoni weight loss weight loss coaching
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