LeBootCamp Phase: Detox Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, raw foodist, paleo, FodMap, Wahls, and of course LeBootCamp friendly! This recipe can serve as a healthy and filling breakfast or as a way to satisfy...
LeBootCamp Phase: Detox Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, raw foodist, paleo, FodMap, Wahls, and of course LeBootCamp friendly! This recipe can serve as a healthy and filling breakfast or as a way to satisfy...
Here is a deliciously easy recipe, full of sunshine and scents of Italy evoquing long summer lunches under the trees. Ideal for a brunch or a light summer’s dinner alongside a lovely salad and some...
I have a really delicious and easy to make recipe for you. A perfect treat that you can even enjoy during the DETOX phase of LeBootCamp, my wellness and weightloss program. It is vegan, thanks to the use of margarine...
The ingredients from this fave recipes of mine will help fight bloating and make your tummy flat! Enjoy during hot days in lieu of a sugars-loaded drink! Ingredients (for 1 serving) 20 cl almond milk 2 bunches...