These easy, effective tips are great for your figure as well as your morale! Adopt these 13 tricks for an instantly visually slimmer appearance.
1. Pull your shoulder blades back and downwards as if you were trying to tuck them into your jeans. But be careful not to thrust your ribcage forward.
2. When you walk, keep your back straight and stacked over your hips, like ballerina. Be sure not to round your shoulders.
3. Visualize yourself hanging from a thread attached to the top of your head, holding you up like a puppet string, to create incredible poise and posture.
4. Platform shoes are great, but don’t let your pants cover part of the heel, as it gives you a shorter appearance (unless of course the platforms are huge). Nothing complements like heels!
5. Walk on a line a bit like a model, keeping your legs close and almost crossing them, rather than with your legs apart which gives a heavy gait.
6. Get your proportions right: beware of knee length skirts as they can chop up your figure, mini skirts or maxi length are usually best but if midi is your length always make sure that the hem hits the small of the calf just below the knee.
7. A tan hides a lot of sins, tan in a can (self tan) is best and can instantly magic away 10 to 20 lbs! Or oil your skin.
8. Tuck your pelvis forward to avoid arching your back which visually stunts the figure.
9. Holding your tummy in actually makes you look slimmer all over, not just your waistline.
10. Wear tight fitting long sleeves if your upper arms aren’t very toned, if the rest of the top is also figure-hugging the overall impression will be slimmer.
11. Ponytails make your neck look thinner, and the rest of the figure as a result. Beware of updos that can stunt the figure if you are short.
12. For photographs, adopt the Hollywood red carpet pose: turn shoulders and hips ¾ away from the camera and hands on hips.
13. Get pumped up (exercise) before getting into your bikini, your muscles will have more definition and you will look slimmer.
Let’s go!
Valerie Orsoni
Your LeBootCamp Coach
Tags: how to look slimmer lebootcamp LeBootCamp Diet look slimmer slimmer taller tips Valerie Orsoni
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