Ever since I started studying, analyzing studies, and reading articles on nutrition, one issue (or food should I say) has always been contentious: EGGS! For years we have been told (by health experts, governments, doctors, etc.) that eggs should be avoided because they contain way too much cholesterol and are bad for our health. At most we were told, one or two eggs a week—but not more.
It’s health’s longest ping pong game!
For years, and based on my own research (obviously not sponsored by lobbies or groups with a vested interest in what I claim), I have been saying and repeating the same thing over and over: eggs are harmless.
1970’s studies were biased:
Indeed, a few years ago we found out that the studies on which the no-egg recommendations were based, were biased. The groups studied by researchers did consume eggs, BUT they also consumed large amounts of bacon, butter, bread, and carbs in general. Obviously, if you study a group with an unbalanced diet the results of said study cannot be correct.
The same studies conducted on populations with a healthy diet, like on my LeBootCamp program, have shown that one egg a day does not lead to an unbalanced cholesterol ratio.
The longest study ever conducted just got published! 215,000 people followed for 34 years! Another meta-study with 1.7 million people was recently released by Harvard School of Nutrition. Both reached the same conclusion: One egg a day (or 3×2, or 2×3, etc., with an average of 7 eggs a week) does not lead to ANY health issues with the egg consumers.
In some of the sub-groups the results are even more surprising with the daily consumption of eggs leading to a reduction of cardiovascular diseases!
The results are consistent with the American Heart Association 2019 cholesterol advisory published last year, as well as previous guidance from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.
You can now officially stopped being scared of eggs and enjoy your omelette!
As far as nutrition is concerned eggs are a wonderhouse!
- Only 75 calories
- 7 grams of high-quality protein
- 5 grams of fat
- 1.6 grams of saturated fat
- Iron and vitamins
- Potent antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin (great for your eyes)
- 185 milligrams of cholesterol (but hey, if you read my text here above then you know it is not a problem 🙂
- Affordable
Don’t deprive yourself of this daily tastebud pleaser! Choose organic eggs from pasture-raised hens. It’s better for the hens and better for you.
You can find yummy egg recipes in my nutrition coaching program: LeBootCamp (and with promotional code “HOTSUMMER”, your first month of coaching is free!)
Bon appetit!
Valérie Orsoni
Your Weight Loss & Healthy Living Coach (PS: with the code HOTSUMMER your first month of coaching is free!)
Tags: cholesterol egg eggs lebootcamp LeBootCamp Diet organic eggs Valerie Orsoni
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