Today, as I like to do regularly in this blog, I give the floor to one of our BootCampers. On this occasion I would like to introduce you to Frederique who is going to share some of the secrets to her Success...
Today, as I like to do regularly in this blog, I give the floor to one of our BootCampers. On this occasion I would like to introduce you to Frederique who is going to share some of the secrets to her Success...
Wowee! I have been coaching Min Jee for 6 months now. Do you remember how I met her 2 days before she was due for bariatric surgery (gastrectomy, or ablation of a portion of her stomach)? In a state of morbid...
This week I am delighted to introduce you to Raphael, a BootCamper who has been following the LeBootCamp method for a few days now. Besides treating us to his splendid food photography on the LeBootCamp...
365 days – 12 months – That’s a long time… A year ago exactly, I started out my day at 6 am with a 1 km swim in front of my astounded mummy. The last kilometer before long. At 7 am I was in the hospital...
We regularly receive testimo use of happy slimmer BootCampers, today we have Celine sharing her journey to a slimmer self having shed 22 kilos (48.5lbs). “A year ago, on April 8th 2013 to be exact,...
We are proceeding with Min Jee’s stabilisation at 86kg for a few weeks. I’ll quickly explain to you how this works exactly. Understandably, she is a little frustrated as she would like it to go faster...
It has now been 3 months since my journey with Min Jee began! If you want to see where she started from, this is the first post on our story together –> it’s here. Cast your mind a few months back,...
Weight 93 kg –> So far a total loss of 26 lbs ! Body fat 48,2% –> So far a reduction of 11,2 % After 2 months spent discussing fitness routines, menus, motivation and suchlike, it is now time...