We are proceeding with Min Jee’s stabilisation at 86kg for a few weeks. I’ll quickly explain to you how this works exactly.
Understandably, she is a little frustrated as she would like it to go faster and I sympathise with that. However, I have to explain to her how her body needs to adjust to her new weight and to the changes this weightloss implies for her general posture, for her body fluids and hormonal balance and other functions of the organism.
However, to not lower our guard, Min Jee has taken on a nice but rather ambitious fitness program. Her ambition being fueled by her results, needless to say that her energy is sky high and she is on top form!
After a week of targeting her glutes and her quads, we go forth with an arm and abs week. Even if it isn’t my favorite kind of protocol – for women, I usually prefer working a little on every muscle group every day – but I adjust to my super Min Jee! Take a look at how much her efforts are paying off. Admire how her waistline is shaping out!!!
Her fitness program is the following:
every day (yes indeed, she isn’t granting herself a single day’s rest…after all, despite what we are told, our bodies are designed to move every day!): 2 X 45 min or 2 X 1h cardio, and 3 times a week: strength training. I’m telling you, where does she find the motivation and the time?! Well, she has made her health a priority in her life and gets moving until 11pm on some days! Her endorphins are through the roof!
When it comes to her skin, we have some beautiful results even if we know that some areas, such as her arms, won’t 100% shrink back her skin having been stretched for a long time. To mitigate the effects of such a significant weightloss, she eats an avocado a day (excellent source of vitamin E) as well as other E vitamin rich foods like almonds. She thus has a beautiful skin that is coming back better than I have seen others do in the past.
This week’s nutritional challenge: no rice at all…a bit of a tall order for a Korean lady, a heck of a challenge. She going to have to dig deep and be really creative.
Back soon with more exciting news!
Tags: coach coaching diet fitness health healthy diet min jee motivation recipes
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