I don’t know about you, but I can’t bear following the same exercise routine over and over again, so I’m always alternating fitness activities and getting creative in my workouts. And from time to time I like to go to the gym to check out the latest trends happening there.
Here are my latest 3 favorites!
It’s back-to-school season! And what better way to return to an active schedule than with the season’s new fitness trends? Here are 3 new sports to help you let off steam, tone up, and slim down 🙂
Jombolo is a mix of African dance and fitness, founded on a simple goal: to have fun and completely let go. This fitness activity helps you gain more body awareness, improves coordination, and strengthens your muscles.
You can burn more than 500 calories in an hour, forget all your worries – and have a great time dancing! Jombolo is a discipline which involves the whole body and gets you breaking a sweat (which is sign that you’ve worked out well!).
I’ve been “piloxing” for years in San Francisco and now this sport is finally making its way to Europe and the UK! A mixture of Pilates, boxing and dance, this discipline is perfect for toning up by working core muscles, endurance training, and releasing pent-up energy.
Actress Hilary Duff is a longtime Piloxing fan and attributes her post-baby body to this workout!
Booty Chic Classes
Envy Rihanna’s booty? These courses teach you how to move your butt – but that’s not all! This new discipline is perfect for building muscle strength and flexibility in a fun and sexy way.
And don’t forget to check out all of my bodybuilding exercises in the “My Gym” section of your private member space on LeBootCamp!
Let’s get moving!
Valerie Orsoni
Your Weight Loss & Fitness Coach
Tags: back to school exercise fitness Fitness trends jombolo lebootcamp piloxing sport Valerie Orsoni
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