I love a beautiful story and I’m sure so do you!
I got to know Min Jee at the beauty salon where I go, there, she runs the reception desk. When I met her, it was quite obvious that Min Jee was overweight. One day, after several months of me visiting the salon, she asked me what I did to always be on such great form. I told her about LeBootCamp, rather discretely not to hurt her feelings or make her feel uncomfortable.
I left it with her saying “if ever you were up for it one day, I’d love to personally coach you just like a star, one to one. We could take on the challenge of halving your body weight”. In a flash she replied “I would love that. I have always dreamt of doing it, but I never knew what to do”. I proceeded with inviting her to meet the next day for a cup of sobacha (my favourite brew). We got together, took advantage of the opportunity to take a lovely “before” picture and she told me about all the diets she tried : high protein like everyone else, fasting, dangerous pills and potions, etc… MIn Jee then also tells me her doctor offered her to fit her with a gastric band. My reaction is immediate “Don’t do that! You will suffer side effects and consequences from it and you won’t be loosing weight in a healthy way. Give me 10 months and I will show you what we can do together.”
Bingo, we’re off! She is motivated !
First we review what food she likes: potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, meat, fish, dark chocolate, pastries, curly kale, etc…..
Also, what she doesn’t like (not much actually 🙂 : pickled gherkins, milk and milk chocolate.
So in short, she likes to eat and she likes EVERYTHING ! As she is of Korean culture, rice is a very important staple in her diet. I will have to take that into account.
For extra sweetener, we have the renowned People magazine doing a January special every year on persons who have lost 50% of their body weight. To be on the cover of People Magazine is quite something and Min Jee is really up for it!
She will begin slowly: sobacha and freshly squeezed lemon juice in the morning followed by 30 minutes walk or elliptical trainer on an empty stomach or, if the morning is not possible then in the evening.
Breakfast: 2 buckwheat waffles with stewed fruit and 3 clementines or a raw chocolate smoothie (in fact, paradoxically, she doesn’t like that)
For now we leave the other meals as they are… we are making changes progressively a step at time. In any case, the gym is near where she lives for an hour of “something”.
Next week I will let you know how we are doing…
Tags: diet dieting fitness journey min jee obesity testimonials weight loss weightless
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