A recent study published by the every serious American Journal of Medicine, reveals the surprising content of industrial chicken nuggets.
Yes, I know, those battered nubs of chicken are a children’s delight and they happily pester us parents to get some from the frozen section of the supermarket or at fast food restaurants. However, should we take a close look at the research conducted by professor Richard Deshazo at the paediatric immunology centre of Jackson university Mississippi, we will avoid providing them with that “pleasure”.
During this study, the researcher dissected and analysed chicken nuggets from two major fast food chains under his microscope. Well, the first one only contained 50% meat and the second no more than 40%. Half of the former was made of fat, blood, blood vessels and nerves and hidden in 60% of the latter was fat, cartilage and microscopic pieces of bone. “Highly calorific by-products” ” We all know that chicken meat is a great source of lean protein, which is why we encourage our patients to eat it”, emphasises the professor, “But some industrial food manufacturers choose to use a chicken based mixture rather than lean meat. They mix it, fry it and continue to call it “chicken”.”
Of course, all those animal parts are fit for human consumption, but what scientists reproach is the illusion those nuggets give. We are under the impression that we are eating chicken but in fact we are feeding ourselves “highly calorific by-products filled with sugar, salt and fat, making them bad for our health” stresses the doctor. And, worst of all, according to him, is that the taste of there products is engineered to appeal to the young.
In short, you are much better off buying chicken breast and grilling it… your figure will be grateful to you. Take your coach’s word for it!
My Home Made Nuggets recipe
Here is a healthy nuggets recipe, 100% LeBootCamp!
For 4 people:
– 4 chicken breast
– 100g buckwheat flour
– 2 egg yolks
– gluten free “breadcrumbs” (home made by putting buckwheat seeds in a blender or food processor)
– Olive oil
– 3 bowls or soup plates
Cut the chicken in nugget size chunks
Steam the chicken for 20minutes
Put the buckwheat flour in one of the bowls/plates
beat the egg yolk in another
put the buckwheat crumbs in the third one
Take a piece of chicken roll it in the flour, then dip it in the egg and after that in the crumbs. Set to one side and repeat with the rest of the chicken.
Heat up 2 tbps olive oil in a frying pan at medium heat and cook your nuggets 4 or 5 minutes on each side until beautifuly golden.
Tags: buckwheat cooking danger fast-food food health healthy nuggets scare
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