Over 150 million people watched the Super Bowl today. Atlanta vs the Patriots is something one cannot miss! Especially when Lady Gaga is featuring in the halftime show.
Her amazing energy and creativity were to be expected, but goodness, she still surprised us with her elastic jumps, her 300 drones, and her contagious stamina which boosted the entire stadium and the at-home couch potatoes (I was one of them) who were watching her.
Now, as I am tweeting and snapchatting (@valerieorsoni) sharing my admiration for this true artist, the trolls come out of their forest accusing the singer to be……fat! Yes, you read me right! FAT.
True, there is a tiny bit of fat overflowing her mini shorts, but frankly, her legs and arms are perfectly toned, and she has a sexy and feminine belly when she rests or stands without singing. Now, when she belts out a song, she takes in as much air as possible, thereby inflating her tummy as well and pushing the tiny amount of extra fat (we are talking millimeters) forward. You cannot suck in your tummy while singing. Period.
So….trolls, bullies, jealous and nasty people, stop wasting your time and energy harassing others because all that’ll make you realize is how little you do to reach your dream body. Instead, get up and move! And…then, imagine yourself wearing a tiny outfit and singing mythical tracks in front of 150 million people. No comment. If being fat is to be like Lady Gaga, I know more than one person who is ready to sign up right now!
PS for Lady Gaga: you were perfect. A clear political message. Beats to make even the sleepiest of us dance. Great stunts. And most importantly, you made my beloved Tom Brady win.
Thank you.
And for those of you looking to tone their abs, you can try my LeBodyChallenge (fitness program) and LeBootCamp (full healthy living program).
Valerie Orsoni
Your Healthy Living Coach
Tags: belly fat bullying diet fat fat shaming lady gaga lebootcamp shaming superbowl tom brady Valerie Orsoni weight weight bullying weight loss
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