If, like me, you enjoy following meaningful entertaining instagram accounts that have something fun and useful to share, who are friends or that take you to new places and new horizons.
There is such a plethora of fitness coaches who have an instagram account that is it hard to know where to turn to. But I have my pet favorites: coaches who really have the X factor, who a really know fitness inside out, who aren’t big headed and who know how to motivate us.
So, here is my worldwide top 10 shortlist :
Because she is the queen of Pilates, very creative and motivating. Because she is my friend and I respect her amazing dedication to making Pilates a main stream fitness activity I suggest you follow Tracey Mallett (@TraceyMallettFitness).
She is good at helping you get started with Pilates, then challenging you so that you always have to stay on your toes and work on your poses!
Jeannette Jenkins (@msjeanettejenkins) : What energy! What daily motivation! We just want to be like her. She isn’t promoting skinny bodies, “back to your pre-pregnancy weight in 2 months” and other nonsense.
A coach, a real one, who isn’t selling the unattainable. What is there not to love?
Mandy Ingber (@mandyingber)
Because Jennifer Aniston isn’t the only fan of this yogi who gets us to overcome the limits we have in our minds, without even noticing.
Expect long poses, very detailed but that achieve great results. Addictive !
Jay Cardiello (@JayCardiello)
A well wishing man at the rate of 20 minutes a day. Jay and I are on the same wavelength (I’ll tell you more about that soon :)).
To follow daily to be on top form, in addition to my tips and my LeBootCamp website.
Tara Stiles (@tarastiles) : Because her pictures are so inspirational, her poses may sometimes seem impossible but they motivate you to surpass yourself.
Her simplicity is also part of her success.
David Kirsch (@DavidKirsch) : Another first class athlete who shows us simple but targeted moves.
His A-lister clients have toned yet very feminine bodies, without the famous 6 pack that most men aren’t terribly fond of, truth be said.
Mathilde Boateng (@BelleetSportive) :
A real firecracker boosting with motivation. Hot and upbeat, but down to earth, she doesn’t post just to earn likes, but shares practical photos and videos. I love it!
BJ Gaddour (@bjgaddour) : A real new moves pro, with exercises that knock your socks off and make you discover muscles you didn’t even know you had in your body. Yes it is possible, believe me!
Shauna Harrison (@Shauna_Harrison)
A real yogi, she is good at what she does and motivates us. Beware her moves range from very simple within anyone’s reach to very intense that only really accomplished yogis should attempt.
It is up to you to choose the right video for your level!
Cassey Ho (@blogilates), the founder of POP Pilates posts poses to follow, fun pictures and bits of her life.
Above all, she praises an energetic but feminine body and that, really rocks my boat!
Accounts I used to follow but no longer
kayla_itsines : I used to love this one, I was a big fan even. But now, her legs have gotten far too skinny and looking at what she eats, it is bordering anorexia. What a shame, I shall wait until she returns to a healthier body to follow her again. Her fitness program is very good, followed and copied around the world and I recommend it (unlike the French and German copies I see everywhere).
soniatlev : because her pictures are a little bit too much like the Playboy center page now, her legs have become too skinny and to have a body like hers with a normal metabolism requires severe deprivation with the deficiencies that implies. She is neither a fitness nor a nutrition pro but launches an ebook with an obscene price tag of 35 Euros. Avoid!
jen-selter : ok, she has 2 million fans, but her behind has reached the size of a pair of watermelons and I can’t bring myself to get motivated by that… so I am not following any more 🙂 America loves extremes and big butts are on trend, it is earning her commercial deals… good on her, but it’s not for me, that’s all.
Valérie Orsoni
Your “LeBootCamp Diet” Coach
Tags: coach fitness gym inspiration instagram leader sport yoga
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