We all want to develop better eating habits, but it’s easier said than done. And if you’re already a member of my LeBootCamp program, you know that the most successful way is a gradual, mindful, one-day-at-a-time approach.
That said, there are so many elements involved in developing better eating habits, and sometimes all the info—however beneficial and proven!—can simply get overwhelming for our little brains 🤯.
You know me: I love to break things down into bite-sized pieces. So if you’re feeling a little lost as to how to get started on a healthier path, or if you’re already a bootcamper and just need a little motivational reminder, here are 6 easy and specific tips to get you in the right frame of mind!
6 Easy Tips for Better Eating Habits
1. When you’re on empty, go for protein first. Start each meal or snack with vegetable or animal protein (i.e. turkey or hummus) or with fiber (kale salad, soup) – before your carbs, and always keep sweet things for the end of the meal. This greatly reduces the impact of any sugar in the food, meaning the body stores less in the form of fat. (When your blood sugar increases, your body is more likely to store extra calories as fat at your next meal.)
2. Learn to discern true hunger. If you feel a craving or the need to snack come on, drink a venti hot tea first, and then check 5 minutes later if you are still truly hungry. Since your stomach is about the size of a venti beverage, chances are you won’t feel hungry anymore – unless, of course, it is authentic hunger pangs!
3. Cook without salt. Too much sodium causes an acidic body pH, cardiovascular problems, water retention, and so on. Limit your sodium consumption by cooking without salt and only adding it before serving or eating. Don’t leave a salt shaker on your table – keep it far away from the hand and plate. Herbs, spices, and other seasonings make ideal substitutes that will titillate your taste buds without added calories and sodium and, hence, without any impact on your health.
4. Make freshly squeezed lemon juice a staple drink. Regularly drinking fresh lemon juice in warm (not hot, not cold) water helps the body release toxins, supports our digestive functions, and re-balances our body pH.
5. Pectin to avoid pigging out. Going to a dinner party? Have an apple 20 minutes or so before heading out: its pectin is a water-soluble fiber that swells in our stomach when it comes into contact with liquids, thereby inducing a feeling of fullness and serving as a natural appetite balancer. Pectin also helps our body excrete preservatives and other food additives – not to mention the wealth of vitamins you get from the apple alone!
6. When you eat – just eat. We’re pros at swiping our phones while we lunch, but no matter how good a multitasker you think you are, don’t participate in a second activity when you eat. Focus on the task at hand – eating – and become more aware of your body’s signals. Notice the texture of the food. Notice the flavors. Chew each bite 5 to 7 times, and put your fork down between bites. The digestive process starts in your mouth, so, the more time you take over chewing, the more time your saliva and its digestive enzymes have to get working.
If you love these tips and want more, take some time to browse the nutrition section of this blog!
And of course, if you’re not yet a member of LeBootCamp, join me online and enjoy a program customized just for you, with unlimited questions to a coach!
PS. Follow me on Insta @valerieorsoni for more inspiration on my own healthy living 🙂
Valérie Orsoni
Your LeBootCamp Healthy Living & Weight Loss Coach
Tags: eating health healthy healthy diet healthy eating healthy lifestyle healthy living lebootcamp LeBootCamp Diet mindful eating overeating Valerie Orsoni valerieorsoni
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