Take advantage of your vacation with: INSANE FITNESS VIDEO CONTEST + FUN FITNESS + CRAZY GIFTS ($1000 Amazon gift card + Lili Warrior products + new LeBootCamp coaching program) + FREED CREATIVITY
How to participate:
- create a fitness video inspired by my short IG @valerieorsoni workouts (a cover photo + 4 to 6 min worth of exercises)
- post it on your non-private Instagram account and tag @valerieorsoni and @liliwarrioroff
- use the following hashtags #VOvideocontest #lebootcamp #liliwarrior- follow our two IG accounts @valerieorsoni @liliwarrioroff
- if you wear a Lili Warrior set, let’s say that you will have a higher probability of winning 😉
Open to all countries. Contest runs from August 1st through August 31st, 2021.
The two best videos will be posted on my permanent feed and their authors will win $1000 worth of gifts!
- film early or late in the day in order to take advantage of the magic light
- go for a clear/clean background (avoid barriers, a messy room, trash cans, yup I have seen this before!)
- face the light and avoid backlighting — you can add text to your videos but it should be super short.
- use only royalty-free music (you can find some on YouTube and on most video editing apps).
Free your creativity and let it speak!
Enjoy your summer!
Valerie Orsoni
Your Weight Loss LeBootCamp Coach
Tags: exercise fitness fitness video fitness video contest lebootcamp Lili Warrior video contest
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