Yes, you read it right!
In the series “The world has gone mad” I present you Mark Winder from Bear’s Grill Café in Congleton, Cheshire, UK. This madman has decided to offer the richest breakfast in the world in his cafe. By his own admission the ingredients in this meal could feed a family of four for a week and here is what “The Hibernator” looks like:
The plate (think turkey dish in this case) is loaded with an appalling 6000 calories worth of fried food (eggs, 4 kinds of cheese, bacon, sausages, black pudding, waffles, toast and roast potatoes) accompanied by a huge 2000 calories milkshake to wash it all down. The weight of this pantagruelian meal? 7 pound!
Let’s remind ourselves that the recommended calorie intake of a woman of “average” height performing an “average” level of daily activity should not exceed 1750 calories, even a bit less in some cases. So 8000 calories represent 4 times her daily limit. I won’t even talk about the cholesterol, salt, saturated fats and other horrors this meal contains.
This is such a dangerous breakfast, that it is forbidden to the under 18s and you are required to sign a legal disclaimer before ordering it. Precisely so that you can’t attack them if you have… a heart attack!
To date, no one has managed to finish this meal, which is rather a good thing!
All I have to say is “Shame on you Mister Winder”. This idea is as ridiculous and dangerous as it is disrespectful of consumer’s health – and that of those who suffer from malnutrition in the world. Because let’s not forget, that what isn’t eaten ends up in the trash can.
Let’s go back to reality and healthier foundations, the LeBootCamp breakfast with our buckwheat pancakes, our Sobacha and some seasonal berries.
Tags: bacon butter cheese eat eggs gaffers health Mark Winder milkshake nutrition obesity UK
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