Hello from San Francisco! I’ve just arrived back from 2 incredibly hectic weeks in Paris.
Indeed, when I travel to Paris, I feel compelled to maximize every single hour and I end up working (interviews, photo and TV shoots, meetings, etc.) every single day – including weekends (!) – from 6am to 11pm. Add to this intense schedule: meals which I don’t typically eat (on a 2-day shoot, we’re a bit stuck), jetlag, limited physical activity, and chilly, rainy weather which I’m not quite used to, and you can well imagine that when I get back home I need a serious detox!
So I am going for a 7-day Booster starting this Monday. Ready to join me? The idea is that our daily lives are often very hectic – much more than we’d like them to be – so a little bit of body cleansing can truly benefit us.
Here’s how it works:
- No ready-made meals, dishes in sauces or gravy, red meat, alcohol, cakes/pastries
- Rediscover egg whites instead of the whole egg
- Opting for seafood and fish
- Unlimited vegetables and fruit, including green smoothies (ie: kale + 1/3 avocado + banana + almond milk)
- No yeast or gluten
- No cow dairy (sheep and goat dairy in small amounts are okay)
- Opting for tofu and grains like buckwheat or quinoa
- Some nuts (almonds, walnuts) for their healthy fat content and seeds ie. sunflower for example
- Unlimited Sobacha®, or infused teas like sage
- 1 hour of walking per day (including 30 min on an empty stomach) and 30 min of strength training per day (which corresponds to the Optimum level in my fitness program LeBodyChallenge)
- 15 min of yoga/meditation per day
We always have excuses for why we can’t exercise or eat healthy. This week is the Kingdom of #NOEXCUSES. Let’s move. Let’s push ourselves. We can and we will do it.
To find ideas for recipes & menus:
- This blog (Recipe category)
- My LeBootCamp YouTube channel (recipes and exercise ideas)
- My LeBootCamp Diet book
For the fitness program:
- My 12–week fitness program LeBodyChallenge
You can follow every day of my Booster week: I‘ll be posting what I eat and my physical activity on my Instagram @valerieorsoni with hashtags #LeBootCamp, #LeBodyChallenge and #BoosterLeBootCamp. Do the same so that I can follow your progress! I’ll be looking out for the 5 most active bootcampers on Instagram and if you’re among them, you will receive a unique LeBootCamp gift from moi 🙂
Alright, let’s get started!
Tags: booster bootcamper cleansing coach coaching detox diet fitness gluten free lebodychallenge lebootcamp nutrition Sobacha Valerie Orsoni weight loss
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